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Ganglia is a scalable, real-time monitoring and execution environment with all execution requests and statistics expressed in an open well-defined XML format.

In the base setup, i.e., the upstream source code, Ganglia does not provide any metrics for Power5/6/7/8-specific capabilities.

You should install the appropriate additional Ganglia module (please see further below) if you want any of the following features:

  • Shared Processor LPAR statistics, i.e., things like capped/uncapped, capacity weight, CPU entitlement etc.
  • Physical core consumption in units of IBM rPerf or SPEC CPU2006 metrics
  • Active Memory Expansion (AME) statistics on Power7/8 systems
  • Active Memory Sharing (AMS) statistics on Power6/7/8 systems
  • Monitoring of individual Ethernet adapters, including Shared Ethernet Adapters (SEA)
  • Monitoring of individual Fibre Channel adapters
  • Monitoring of individual Disk devices

Here you find descriptions of all available additional metrics for AIX and Linux on Power that I have written:


  • More documentation on these additional Power5/6/7/8 metrics for AIX and Linux on Power can be found here.


Current version: v3.7.2


Current version

Older versions (still supported)

Older versions (not supported anymore)

Please note:

Even older version

All versions

Ganglia web interfaces

Other (useful) stuff

Here are some more (useful) things I have been working on

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Page last modified on October 24, 2017, at 07:45 AM