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The Power5/6/7 extensions (maximum of 23 metrics) are contained in a separate DSO module (written in C) called mod_ibmpower. If installed, this DSO module is loaded during runtime/startup of gmond.

This DSO contains mostly IBM Power5/6/7 specific metrics that can be used to monitor those system properties.

Platform availability:

  • AIX: minimum AIX5L V5.1 ML04 level or higher required
  • Linux: SLES 9 or higher required, RHEL 4 Update 3 or higher required

Config file: /etc/ganglia/conf.d/ibmpower.conf

Available metrics

The following 23 additional metrics are available:

  1. capped
  2. cpu_entitlement
  3. cpu_in_lpar
  4. cpu_in_machine
  5. cpu_in_pool
  6. cpu_pool_id
  7. cpu_pool_idle
  8. cpu_used
  9. disk_read
  10. disk_write
  11. disk_iops
  12. fwversion
  13. kernel64bit
  14. lpar
  15. lpar_name
  16. lpar_num
  17. modelname
  18. oslevel
  19. serial_num
  20. smt
  21. splpar
  22. weight
  23. cpu_in_syspool
    • for Power6/7 only, at least AIX5L V5.3 TL07 level or higher required
    • on a Power5 system: same value as cpu_in_pool

Detailed description

  1. capped
    • Type: String value
    • returns "yes" if the system is a POWER5/6 Shared Processor LPAR which is running in capped mode or "no" otherwise
  2. cpu_entitlement
    • Type: Float value
    • returns the Capacity Entitlement of the system in units of physical CPUs
  3. cpu_in_lpar
    • Type: Integer value
    • returns the number of CPUs the OS sees in the system. In a Power5/6/7 Shared Processor LPAR this returns the number of virtual CPUs. When SMT is enabled this number is doubled.
  4. cpu_in_machine
    • Type: Integer value
    • returns the number of physical CPUs in the whole system
  5. cpu_in_pool
    • Type: Integer value
    • returns the number of physical CPUs in the Shared Processor Pool
  6. cpu_pool_id
    • Type: Integer value
    • returns the shared processor pool ID this LPAR belongs to
  7. cpu_pool_idle
    • Type: Float value
    • returns in fractional numbers of physical CPUs how much the Shared Processor Pool is idle
  8. cpu_used
    • Type: Float value
    • returns in fractional numbers of physical CPUs how much compute resources this shared processor LPAR has used since the last time this metric was measured
  9. disk_read
    • Type: Float value
    • returns in units of kB the total read I/O per second of the system
  10. disk_write
    • Type: Float value
    • returns in units of kB the total write I/O per second of the system
  11. disk_iops
    • Type: Float value
    • returns the total number of I/O operations (read + write) per second
  12. fwversion
    • Type: String value
    • returns the current firmware version of the IBM Power System
  13. kernel64bit
    • Type: String value
    • returns "yes" if the running kernel is a 64-bit kernel or "no" otherwise
  14. lpar
    • Type: String value
    • returns "yes" if the system is a LPAR or "no" otherwise
  15. lpar_name
    • Type: String value
    • returns the name of the LPAR as defined on the Hardware Management Console (HMC) or some reasonable message otherwise
  16. lpar_num
    • Type: Integer value
    • returns the partition ID of the LPAR as defined on the Hardware Management Console (HMC) or some reasonable message otherwise
  17. modelname
    • Type: String value
    • returns the machine model name
  18. oslevel
    • Type: String value
    • returns the version string as provided by the AIX command 'oslevel‘
  19. serial_num
    • Type: String value
    • returns the serial number of the system as provided by the AIX command 'uname‘
  20. smt
    • Type: String value
    • returns "yes" if SMT is enabled or "no" otherwise
  21. splpar
    • Type: String value
    • returns "yes" if the system is running in a shared processor LPAR or "no" otherwise
  22. weight
    • Type: Integer value
    • returns the weight of the LPAR running in uncapped mode
  23. cpu_in_syspool (on a Power5 system: same value as cpu_in_pool)
    • Type: Integer value
    • returns the number of cores contained in the system shared processor pool

Config file example

modules {
  module {
    name = "ibmpower_module"
    path = ""

collection_group {
  collect_once = yes
  time_threshold = 1200
  metric {
    name = "fwversion"
    title = "Firmware Version"
  metric {
    name = "kernel64bit"
    title = "Kernel 64 bit?"
  metric {
    name = "lpar"
    title = "LPAR Mode?"
  metric {
    name = "lpar_num"
    title = "LPAR Number"
  metric {
    name = "model_name"
    title = "Machine Name"
  metric {
    name = "serial_num"
    title = "System Serial Number"
  metric {
    name = "splpar"
    title = "Shared Processor LPAR?"

collection_group {
  collect_every = 180
  time_threshold = 1200
  metric {
    name = "cpu_in_machine"
    title = "Cores in Machine"
  metric {
    name = "lpar_name"
    title = "LPAR Name"
  metric {
    name = "oslevel"
    title = "Output of 'oslevel -s'"

collection_group {
  collect_every = 15
  time_threshold = 180
  metric {
    name = "capped"
    title = "Capped Mode?"
  metric {
    name = "cpu_pool_id"
    title = "Shared processor pool ID of this LPAR"
  metric {
    name = "cpu_entitlement"
    title = "CPU Entitlement"
    value_threshold = 0.01
  metric {
    name = "cpu_in_lpar"
    title = "Number of Virtual CPUs in LPAR"
    value_threshold = 1
  metric {
    name = "cpu_in_pool"
    title = "Number of Cores in Pool"
    value_threshold = 1
  metric {
    name = "cpu_in_syspool"
    title = "Number of Cores in System Pool"
    value_threshold = 1
  metric {
    name = "disk_iops"
    title = "Total number I/O operations per second"
    value_threshold = 1.0
  metric {
    name = "disk_read"
    title = "Total Disk Read I/O per second"
    value_threshold = 1.0
  metric {
    name = "disk_write"
    title = "Total Disk Write I/O per second"
    value_threshold = 1.0
  metric {
    name = "smt"
    title = "SMT enabled?"
  metric {
    name = "weight"
    title = "LPAR Weight"
    value_threshold = 1

collection_group {
  collect_every = 15
  time_threshold = 60
  metric {
    name = "cpu_pool_idle"
    title = "CPU Pool Idle"
    value_threshold = 0.0001
  metric {
    name = "cpu_used"
    title = "Physical Cores Used"
    value_threshold = 0.0001

Change History AIX

  • Version 1.4: Feb 09, 2012
    • added new metric cpu_pool_id (cpu_pool_id_func())
  • Version 1.3: Apr 27, 2010
    • added sanity check for cpu_pool_idle_func()
    • added new metric fwversion (fwversion_func())
  • Version 1.2: Feb 10, 2010
    • added IO ops/sec metric (disk_iops_func())
    • changed metric type from GANGLIA_VALUE_FLOAT to GANGLIA_VALUE_DOUBLE and changed unit to bytes/sec for disk_read_func() and disk_write_func()
    • added model_name metric (model_name_func())
  • Version 1.1: Jan 21, 2010
    • improved cpu_used() function
    • fixed defuncts caused by open pipes (popen() without pclose())
    • added checks for possible libperfstat counter resets in
      • cpu_pool_idle_func()
      • cpu_used_func()
      • disk_read_func()
      • disk_write_func()
  • Version 1.0: Dec 11, 2008
    • initial version

Change History Linux

  • Version 0.4: Feb 09, 2012
    • added new metric cpu_pool_id (cpu_pool_id_func())
  • Version 0.3: Apr 27, 2010
    • added sanity check for cpu_pool_idle_func()
    • added new metric fwversion (fwversion_func())
    • fixed cpu_used_func() for systems which have /proc/ppc64/lparcfg and the purr stanza does exist but returns garbage because the CPU does not have a PURR register, e.g., true for PowerPC970 (JS20, JS21)
  • Version 0.2: Feb 10, 2010
    • improved cpu_used() function
    • added IO ops/sec metric (disk_iops_func())
    • changed metric type from GANGLIA_VALUE_FLOAT to GANGLIA_VALUE_DOUBLE and changed unit to bytes/sec for disk_read_func() and disk_write_func()
    • added model_name metric (model_name_func())
  • Version 0.1: Dec 11, 2008
    • initial release
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Page last modified on May 22, 2012, at 12:29 AM