This package provides a web frontend to display the XML tree published by ganglia, and to provide historical graphs of collected metrics. This website is written in the PHP5 language and uses the Dwoo templating engine.
If you intend to use this web interface please read the following two articles from Vladimir Vuksan's blog:
Version: 3.5.4-1
Please note: I personally would recommend version 3.5.4!
Tar files:
Source RPM:
Package dependencies:
All versions:
Version history:
- v3.5.4-1:
- v3.5.3-1:
- v3.5.2-1:
- v3.5.1-1:
- v3.5.0-1:
- v3.4.2-1:
- v3.4.1-1:
- v3.3.1-1:
- v2.2.0-1:
- v2.1.8-1:
- v2.1.7-1:
- v2.1.5-1:
- v2.1.3-1:
- v2.1.2-1:
- v2.0.0-1:
- v2.0.0_0.2011.05.04-1:
- First stab at version v2.0.0 (development version downloaded on 2011-05-04)