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The Power7 Active Memory Expansion (AME) extensions (maximum of 11 metrics) are contained in a separate DSO module (written in C) called mod_ibmame. If installed, this DSO module is loaded during runtime/startup of gmond.

This DSO can be used to monitor the AME properties of the running AIX instance.

Platform availability:

  • Power7 systems only
  • AIX only, minimum AIX V6.1 TL06 level or higher required

Config file: /etc/ganglia/conf.d/ibmame.conf

Available metrics

The following 11 additional metrics are available:

  1. ame_enabled
    • Is AME enabled?
  2. ame_version
    • AME version
  3. true_memory
    • True memory size (in bytes)
  4. expanded_memory
    • Expanded memory size (in bytes)
  5. target_memexp_factr
    • Target memory expansion factor
  6. current_memexp_factr
    • Current memory expansion factor
  7. target_cpool_size
    • Target compressed pool size (in bytes)
  8. max_cpool_size
    • Maximum size of compressed pool (in bytes)
  9. min_ucpool_size
    • Minimum size of uncompressed pool (in bytes)
  10. ame_deficit_size
    • Deficit memory size (in bytes)
  11. ame_cpu_used
    • Amount of cores used for AME

Config file example

modules {
  module {
    name = "ibmame_module"
    path = ""

collection_group {
  collect_once = yes
  time_threshold = 1200
  metric {
    name = "ame_version"
    title = "AME Version"

collection_group {
  collect_every = 60
  time_threshold = 300
  metric {
    name = "ame_enabled"
    title = "Is AME enabled?"
  metric {
    name = "target_memexp_factr"
    title = "Target Memory Expansion Factor"
    value_threshold = 0.001
  metric {
    name = "target_cpool_size"
    title = "Target Compressed Pool Size"
    value_threshold = 1024
  metric {
    name = "max_cpool_size"
    title = "Max Size of Compressed Pool"
    value_threshold = 1024
  metric {
    name = "min_ucpool_size"
    title = "Min Size of Uncompressed Pool"
    value_threshold = 1024
  metric {
    name = "ame_deficit_size"
    title = "Deficit Memory Size"
    value_threshold = 1024

collection_group {
  collect_every = 15
  time_threshold = 180
  metric {
    name = "true_memory"
    title = "True Memory Size"
    value_threshold = 1024
  metric {
    name = "expanded_memory"
    title = "Expanded Memory Size"
    value_threshold = 1024

collection_group {
  collect_every = 15
  time_threshold = 15
  metric {
    name = "current_memexp_factr"
    title = "Current Memory Expansion Factor"
    value_threshold = 0.001
  metric {
    name = "ame_cores_used"
    title = "Amount of Cores used for AME"
    value_threshold = 0.0001

Change History

  • Version 1.1: Oct 22, 2012
    • fixed some logical errors in the module
    • implemented some work-arounds for libperfstat errors
    • changed /etc/ganglia/conf.d/ibmame.conf settings
  • Version 1.0: Oct 13, 2010
    • initial version
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Page last modified on November 19, 2012, at 09:51 PM