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The extensions (maximum of 25 metrics per single device) for individual Disk devices are contained in a separate DSO module (written in C) called mod_aixdisk. If installed, this DSO module is loaded during runtime/startup of gmond.

This DSO can be used to monitor individual Disk devices. There exist two versions of this module:

  • one for AIX5L V5.1 and V5.2 which contains only 9 metrics (there are no more metrics defined for these AIX levels)
  • one for AIX5L V5.3 and higher which contains 25 metrics

The DSO uses libperfstat to obtain the necessary performance data.

Platform availability: AIX only, minimum AIX5L V5.1 ML 04 level or higher required

Config file: /etc/ganglia/conf.d/aixdisk.conf

Available metrics

The following 9 metrics per device hdisk<X> (X=0,1,2,3,...) are available for all AIX levels:

  1. hdisk<X>_size
    • Total disk size of disk hdisk<X>
  2. hdisk<X>_free
    • Free disk space of disk hdisk<X>
  3. hdisk<X>_bsize
    • Block size of disk hdisk<X>
  4. hdisk<X>_xrate
    • Transfer rate capability of hdisk<X>
  5. hdisk<X>_xfers
    • Number of transfers/sec to/from disk hdisk<X>
  6. hdisk<X>_wbytes
    • Number of bytes/sec written to disk hdisk<X>
  7. hdisk<X>_rbytes
    • Number of bytes/sec read from disk hdisk<X>
  8. hdisk<X>_qdepth
    • Instantaneous service queue depth of hdisk<X>
  9. hdisk<X>_time
    • Percentage of time hdisk<X> is active

The following 16 additional metrics per device hdisk<X> (X=0,1,2,3,...) are available only on AIX5L V5.3 and higher:

  1. hdisk<X>_q_full
    • Service queue full occurrence of ent<X>
  2. hdisk<X>_rserv
    • Read or receive service time of ent<X>
  3. hdisk<X>_rtimeout
    • Number of read request timeouts of hdisk<X>
  4. hdisk<X>_rfailed
    • Number of failed read requests of hdisk<X>
  5. hdisk<X>_min_rserv
    • Minimum read or receive service time of hdisk<X>
  6. hdisk<X>_max_rserv
    • Maximum read or receive service time of hdisk<X>
  7. hdisk<X>_wserv
    • Write or send service time of hdisk<X>
  8. hdisk<X>_wtimeout
    • Number of write request timeouts of hdisk<X>
  9. hdisk<X>_wfailed
    • Number of failed write requests hdisk<X>
  10. hdisk<X>_min_wserv
    • Minimum write or send service time of hdisk<X>
  11. hdisk<X>_max_wserv
    • Maximum write or send service time of hdisk<X>
  12. hdisk<X>_wq_depth
    • Instantaneous wait queue depth of hdisk<X>
  13. hdisk<X>_wq_sampled
    • Accumulated sampled dk_wq_depth of hdisk<X>
  14. hdisk<X>_wq_time
    • Accumulated wait queueing time of hdisk<X>
  15. hdisk<X>_wq_min_time
    • Minimum wait queueing time of hdisk<X>
  16. hdisk<X>_wq_max_time
    • Maximum wait queueing time of hdisk<X>

Config file example

modules {
  module {
    name = "aixdisk_module"
    path = ""

collection_group {
  collect_every = 15
  time_threshold = 180
  metric {
    name = "hdisk0_size"
    title = "hdisk0 total disk size"
    value_threshold = 1.0
  metric {
    name = "hdisk0_free"
    title = "hdisk0 free disk space"
    value_threshold = 1.0
  metric {
    name = "hdisk0_bsize"
    title = "hdisk0 block size"
    value_threshold = 1.0
  metric {
    name = "hdisk0_xrate"
    title = "hdisk0 transfer rate capability"
    value_threshold = 0.1
  metric {
    name = "hdisk0_xfers"
    title = "hdisk0 number of transfers to/from disk"
    value_threshold = 0.1
  metric {
    name = "hdisk0_wbytes"
    title = "hdisk0 number of bytes written to disk"
    value_threshold = 0.1
  metric {
    name = "hdisk0_rbytes"
    title = "hdisk0 number of bytes read from disk"
    value_threshold = 0.1
  metric {
    name = "hdisk0_qdepth"
    title = "hdisk0 instantaneous service queue depth"
    value_threshold = 0.1
  metric {
    name = "hdisk0_time"
    title = "hdisk0 percentage of time disk is active"
    value_threshold = 0.1

/* The following metrics are only defined on AIX5L V5.3 and higher!! */
  metric {
    name = "hdisk0_q_full"
    title = "hdisk0 service queue full occurrence"
    value_threshold = 0.001
  metric {
    name = "hdisk0_rserv"
    title = "hdisk0 read or receive service time"
    value_threshold = 0.001
  metric {
    name = "hdisk0_rtimeout"
    title = "hdisk0 number of read request timeouts"
    value_threshold = 0.001
  metric {
    name = "hdisk0_rfailed"
    title = "hdisk0 number of failed read requests"
    value_threshold = 0.001
  metric {
    name = "hdisk0_min_rserv"
    title = "hdisk0 minimum read or receive service time"
    value_threshold = 0.001
  metric {
    name = "hdisk0_max_rserv"
    title = "hdisk0 maximum read or receive service time"
    value_threshold = 0.001
  metric {
    name = "hdisk0_wserv"
    title = "hdisk0 write or send service time"
    value_threshold = 0.001
  metric {
    name = "hdisk0_wtimeout"
    title = "hdisk0 number of write request timeouts
    value_threshold = 0.001
  metric {
    name = "hdisk0_wfailed"
    title = "hdisk0 number of failed write requests"
    value_threshold = 0.001
  metric {
    name = "hdisk0_min_wserv"
    title = "hdisk0 minimum write or send service time"
    value_threshold = 0.001
  metric {
    name = "hdisk0_max_wserv"
    title = "hdisk0 maximum write or send service time"
    value_threshold = 0.1
  metric {
    name = "hdisk0_wq_depth"
    title = "hdisk0 instantaneous wait queue depth"
    value_threshold = 0.001
  metric {
    name = "hdisk0_wq_sampled"
    title = "hdisk0 accumulated sampled dk_wq_depth"
    value_threshold = 0.001
  metric {
    name = "hdisk0_wq_time"
    title = "hdisk0 accumulated wait queueing time"
    value_threshold = 0.001
  metric {
    name = "hdisk0_wq_min_time"
    title = "hdisk0 minimum wait queueing time"
    value_threshold = 0.001
  metric {
    name = "hdisk0_wq_max_time"
    title = "hdisk0 maximum wait queueing time"
    value_threshold = 0.001

Change History

  • Version 1.0: Nov 29, 2011
    • initial version
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Page last modified on March 20, 2012, at 12:14 AM