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MakeMaker assumes that you want to run all of the .t files in the t/ directory in ascii-betical order during make test unless you say otherwise. This leads to some interesting naming schemes for test files to get them in the desired order.
You can specify any order or any files that you like, though, with the test directive to WriteMakefile.
Test::Manifest looks in the t/test_manifest file to find out which tests you want to run and the order in which you want to run them. It constructs the right value for MakeMaker to do the right thing.

The Perl module is available as 32-bit and 64-bit:

  • For the 32-bit module you need to use perl.
  • For the 64-bit module you need to use perl_64bit.


Version: 1.22



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Page last modified on September 17, 2009, at 06:01 PM