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Liboop is a low-level event loop management library for POSIX-based operating systems. It supports the development of modular, multiplexed applications which may respond to events from several sources. It replaces the "select() loop" and allows the registration of event handlers for file and network I/O, timers and signals. Since processes use these mechanisms for almost all external communication, liboop can be used as the basis for almost any application.

The library is available as 32-bit and 64-bit:

  • If you are compiling a 32-bit program, no special compiler options are needed.
  • If you are compiling a 64-bit program, you have to compile and link your application with "xlc_r -q64" or "gcc -maix64".


Version: 1.0-1



Source RPM:

Package dependencies:

  • none

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Page last modified on October 30, 2018, at 07:41 PM