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libConfuse is a configuration file parser library, licensed under the terms of the LGPL, and written in C. It supports sections and (lists of) values (strings, integers, floats, booleans or other sections), as well as some other features (such as single/double-quoted strings, environment variable expansion, functions and nested include statements). It makes it very easy to add configuration file capability to a program using a simple API.

The goal of libConfuse is not to be the configuration file parser library with a gazillion of features. Instead, it aims to be easy to use and quick to integrate with your code.

The library is available as 32-bit and 64-bit:

  • If you are compiling a 32-bit program, no special compiler options are needed.
  • If you are compiling a 64-bit program, you have to compile and link your application with "xlc -q64" or "gcc -maix64".


Current version: v2.7-1



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Page last modified on May 01, 2012, at 01:03 AM