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Argtable is an ANSI C library for parsing GNU style command line arguments. It enables a program's command line syntax to be defined in the source code as an array of argtable structs. The command line is then parsed according to that specification and the resulting values are returned in those same structs where they are accessible to the main program. Both tagged (-v, --verbose, --foo=bar) and untagged arguments are supported, as are multiple instances of each argument. Syntax error handling is automatic and the library also provides the means for displaying the command line syntax directly from the array of argument specifications.

The library is available as 32-bit and 64-bit:

  • If you are compiling a 32-bit program, no special compiler options are needed.
  • If you are compiling a 64-bit program, you have to compile and link your application with "cc -q64" or "gcc -maix64".


Version: 13-1



Source RPM:

Package dependencies:

  • none

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Page last modified on August 09, 2011, at 11:36 PM